Upstairs Geology 50/50

Winner of the ZKB Acknowledgment Prize 2019- August 2019, Zürcher Theatrespektakel, Switzerland Theatre Performance, 40min in the evening & Ongoing Installation in the daylight

“Ira Melkonyan & the rubberbodies collective show the effects of non-human behavior and question the assignment of authorship in the theater. This performative installation is an outstanding example of a political work of art. It does not “explain” nature, but invites us to follow the transformation of a leaky landscape and to experience it – with all its risks.” Here is the full Jury speech about the piece.

by Ira Melkonyan and Jimmy Grima
Dominykas Savickas
Irene Sorozabal Moreno
Maria Rößler

October 01, 02, 03 2021 Stadtsaal, donaufestival, Austria

August 2019, Zürcher Theatrespektakel, Switzerland.